1. EFRE president 2019-current time
2. Chairman obstetrics & gynecology department 2014-2015
3. Professor obstetrics and Gynecology Alexandria University 2000-current time
3. Director Alexandria-Hayat IVF center 1995-2020
4. Director of university ART unit and center of excellence 1992-2010
4. Director university maternity hospital 2010-2012
5. R Fellow university of Pennsylvania USA 1988-1990
Prof. Hassan MaghrabyHonorary President
Consultant in reproductive medicine, professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Zagazig University, and Clinical Director of Rahem fertility centers, Egypt. Dr Elgindy is the director of the Egypt IVF registry and ICMART regional representative for Africa 2022-2025. She was the Secretary General of EFRE (Egyptian Foundation of Reproductive Medicine and Embryology) from 2019 till October -2023, EFRE conference President 2024, and has been elected to be Chairman of the EFRE Board of Trustees from October -2023 to October -2027.
Prof. Eman ElgindyChairman for the EFRE Board of Trustees
MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sohag University, Diploma of IVF from Giessen university Germany,
Diploma of advanced Gynecological endoscopy from Hamburg university Germany.
Prof of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sohag university
His main interests are infertility and endoscopy and has numerous international publications
Prof. Salah RasheedExecutive President
Professor Medhat Amer (Maitre-Es-Sciences medicals, Paris VI University) Ex-Chairman of the Andrology Department, Cairo University, former President of the Andrology Mediterranean, Association and the Egyptian Society of Andrology is currently a Professor of Andrology, President of the Egyptian Society of Reproductive Medicine (ESRM); vice president of the Egyptian Foundation of Reproductive Medicine and Embryology Medhatamer@adamhospital.com
Prof. Medhat AmerEFRE Founder
Professor of Ob- Gyn. Assiut University
hospital , Assiut ,Egypt
Director of Assiut center of IVF and ICSI , vice president of EFRE , member of the board of DIRMAS with Birmingham Hospital , member of the board of advanced professional Embryology , Certification program (APEC)
Prof. Momen KamelEFRE Founder
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shatby Maternity Hospital, Alexandria University, Egypt.
Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Agial Hospital, Roushdy, Alexandria, Egypt.
Director of Assisted Reproduction Unit, Agial Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt.
Director of Miami IVF Center, Specialized Medical Center, Miami, Alexandria, Egypt 1999-2008.
Clinician and embryologist at University ART Unit and Center of Excellence, Shatby Maternity Hospital, Alexandria University 1992-2003.
Prof . Hisham SalehEFRE Founder
Consultant of gynecology Madina fertility centers
*Chairman board of director Madina women’s hospital
*Member of ESHRE ASRM
*Scientific activity and participation : 46 international conferences and 12 international work shop attended
Dr. Ashraf AboaliEFRE Founder
Prof obstetrics/gynecology
Dept of obstet Gynecol
Faculty of medicine
Alexandria university
Fellow Jones institute for reproductive medicine USA
Prof. Emad KhalifaEFRE Founder
Prof.Hamed YousefEFRE Founder
Clinical professor and researcher at Assiut University, Egypt. He had REI training in many countries, published extensively and is currently Editor and Reviewer for many international journals. He received many international awards.
Prof. Ahmed NasrEFRE Founder
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Director of the Expatriates Sector, Benha University
president of the Evidence-Based Women’s Health Society
and shared in the establishment of the DIRMAS and APEC educational
programs for the clinical and laboratory parts of IVF
Prof. Ahmed YoussefEFRE Founder
Professor obstetrics and gynecology at Mansoura University.
Prof. Ahmed GibreelEFRE Founder
Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Alexandria University, Egypt, since october, 2021.
General director of El Shatby Maternity University from January 2020 till now.
Prof. Yasser ElKassar EFRE Founder
Founder and CEO of Dar Al Nokhba center and Omoumaty clinics for fertility and IVF.
Former Medical Director and Gynecology consultant in Adam International Hospital for fertility and sterility.
- Founder, member of the management board and directors of ART interest group in Egyptian Foundation For Reproductive Medicine And Embryology (EFRE). Waleedg12@yahoo.com
Dr. Waleed Hamed Abou YoussefEFRE board member
1. EFRE president 2019-current time
2. Chairman obstetrics & gynecology department 2014-2015
3. Professor obstetrics and Gynecology Alexandria University 2000-current time
3. Director Alexandria-Hayat IVF center 1995-2020
4. Director of university ART unit and center of excellence 1992-2010
4. Director university maternity hospital 2010-2012
5. R Fellow university of Pennsylvania USA 1988-1990
Prof. Hassan MaghrabyHonorary President
Consultant in reproductive medicine, professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Zagazig University, and Clinical Director of Rahem fertility centers, Egypt. Dr Elgindy is the director of the Egypt IVF registry and ICMART regional representative for Africa 2022-2025. She was the Secretary General of EFRE (Egyptian Foundation of Reproductive Medicine and Embryology) from 2019 till October -2023, EFRE conference President 2024, and has been elected to be Chairman of the EFRE Board of Trustees from October -2023 to October -2027.
Prof. Eman ElgindyHead of chairman of the board of trustees (2023-2027)
MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sohag University, Diploma of IVF from Giessen university Germany,
Diploma of advanced Gynecological endoscopy from Hamburg university Germany.
Prof of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sohag university
His main interests are infertility and endoscopy and has numerous international publications
Prof. Salah RasheedExecutive President
Professor Medhat Amer (Maitre-Es-Sciences medicals, Paris VI University) Ex-Chairman of the Andrology Department, Cairo University, former President of the Andrology Mediterranean, Association and the Egyptian Society of Andrology is currently a Professor of Andrology, President of the Egyptian Society of Reproductive Medicine (ESRM); vice president of the Egyptian Foundation of Reproductive Medicine and Embryology.
Prof. Medhat AmerEFRE Founder
Professor of Ob- Gyn. Assiut University
hospital , Assiut ,Egypt
Director of Assiut center of IVF and ICSI , vice president of EFRE , member of the board of DIRMAS with Birmingham Hospital , member of the board of advanced professional Embryology , Certification program (APEC)
Prof. Momen KamelEFRE Founder
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shatby Maternity Hospital, Alexandria University, Egypt.
Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Agial Hospital, Roushdy, Alexandria, Egypt.
Director of Assisted Reproduction Unit, Agial Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt.
Director of Miami IVF Center, Specialized Medical Center, Miami, Alexandria, Egypt 1999-2008.
Clinician and embryologist at University ART Unit and Center of Excellence, Shatby Maternity Hospital, Alexandria University 1992-2003.
Prof . Hisham SalehEFRE Founder
Consultant of gynecology Madina fertility centers
*Chairman board of director Madina women’s hospital
*Member of ESHRE ASRM
*Scientific activity and participation : 46 international conferences and 12 international work shop attended
Dr. Ashraf AboaliEFRE Founder
Prof obstetrics/gynecology
Dept of obstet Gynecol
Faculty of medicine
Alexandria university
Fellow Jones institute for reproductive medicine USA
Prof. Emad KhalifaEFRE Founder
Prof.Hamed YousefEFRE Founder
Clinical professor and researcher at Assiut University, Egypt. He had REI training in many countries, published extensively and is currently Editor and Reviewer for many international journals. He received many international awards.
Prof. Ahmed NasrEFRE Founder
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Director of the Expatriates Sector, Benha University
president of the Evidence-Based Women’s Health Society
and shared in the establishment of the DIRMAS and APEC educational
programs for the clinical and laboratory parts of IVF
Prof. Ahmed YoussefEFRE Founder
Professor obstetrics and gynecology at Mansoura University.
Prof. Ahmed GibreelEFRE Founder
Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Alexandria University, Egypt, since october, 2021.
General director of El Shatby Maternity University from January 2020 till now.
Prof. Yasser ElKassar EFRE Founder
Founder and CEO of Dar Al Nokhba center and Omoumaty clinics for fertility and IVF.
Former Medical Director and Gynecology consultant in Adam International Hospital for fertility and sterility.
- Founder, member of the management board and directors of ART interest group in Egyptian Foundation For Reproductive Medicine And Embryology (EFRE). Waleedg12@yahoo.com
Dr. Waleed Hamed Abou YoussefEFRE board member
professor in OB/GYN, Zagazig University. She is the director of Ultrasound and fetal medicine unit. She was the vice chair, then the chair of the institutional review board (IRB) ( 2010-2014). She was also a board member of the Egyptian Universities promotion committee ( 2013-2019).
Prof Dalia El HaiegCO-founders
Ass. Prof. of Obs, Gyne & Reproductive medicine Lab Director of El Madina Hospital ICSI center Lab Director of El Shatby ICSI center Alexandria University
Prof. Sherif GafferCO-founders
Assistant professor Obstetrics and Gynecology, Alexandria university, Egypt.
Fellow of the European society of embryology and reproductive medicine ESHRE/ EBCOG-
Fellow of the European board and college of obstetrics and gynecology
Diploma of minimally invasive surgery,Auvergne university , France 2014
Doctor degree in Gynecology & Obstetrics, June 2012, Alexandria University, Egypt.
Prof. Mohamed MahdyCO-founders
- Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Alexandria – Egypt.
Head of Endoscopy unit and training center, Shatby
University Hospital
- President, The minimally invasive surgery society of Egypt (MISS.E)
- Former-Fellow, Royal free hospital - University college London (UCL)
- Associate Editor, Middle East Fertility Society Journal
Prof Fady MoietyCO-founders
Professor of Obstetrics and Gyncology
Ain Shams University
Co founder of Farah Fertility Centre (Cairo)
Medical director of Omouma fertility centre (Fayoum)
Prof . Adel ShafikCO-founders
Professor of Andrology and Sexual Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University
Head of Andrology Unit , Assiut University
He is the founder and CEO of Banoon Group of Hospitals and IVF Centres which is one of the top ranked IVF centres in Egypt.
He is cofounder of the Upper Egypt ART Summit.
He was elected in 2020 as a Senator in the Egyptian Senate. Currently, he is the Vice President of the Health Committee in the Senate.
Prof . Ali MahranCO-founders
FRCOG, MD Professor of OB/GYN, Al-Azhar University Secretary, Professors' Appointment Committee Clinical Director, Adam International Hospital
Prof. Hossam Fahem Abdel-Rahim CO-founders
Amr Shehata abdelbadie lecturer of obstetrics and gynecology aswan University consultant of Reproductive Medicine in alsalama IVF Centre EFRE member love_like902@yahoo.com
Dr . Amr ShehataCO-founders
Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology
Cairo University
Consultant in ART unit Cairo University
fhamila29@gmail .com
Prof . Foad Abo HameelaCO-founders
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Kasr El-Aini Hospitals
Cairo University
Prof . Salah Sanad CO-founders
Professor of obstetrics and gynecology, Sohag University
Former Chairman of obstetrics and gynecology department, Sohag Faculty of Medicine
Former member of the scientific committee of promotions of Professors of obstetrics and gynecology
Scientific supervisor of obstetrics and gynecology department of Aswan Faculty of medicine
Prof . Saeed AbdelhafezCO-founders
PhD, is an ICSI Lab coordinator at Madina Fertility Centers. A native of Egypt, she received her doctor of philosophy degree from the University of Alexandria, Biochemistry department, she works as a scientific coordinator and ART workshops and conferences organiser.
Prof . Nehal AdelCO-founders
- Lecturer of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt, (April 2022- current)
- Subspecialty; Consultant of infertility and reproductive endocrinology, Alexandria, Egypt.
- MDPhD of Obstetrics and Gynecology (infertility and reproductive endocrinology), Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, 2022
- E-mail:olayoussef_n@hotmail.com
Dr. Ola Youssef AhmedCO-founders
- Lecturer of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt
- Subspecialty; Consultant of infertility and reproductive endocrinology, Alexandria, Egypt.
-Director of high risk obstetric surgeries unit (Agial Hospital)
- MDPhD of Obstetrics and Gynecology (infertility and reproductive endocrinology), Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, 2022
- ziad.mansour87@gmail.com
Dr. Ziad Mansour Ahmed CO-founders
IVF laboratory director at Ibnsina IVF Centre and Banon IVF Centre, Egypt. His area of interest is in improving IVF culture conditions through evidence-based practice by re-evaluating all aspects of IVF procedures.
Dr. Mohamed FawzyCO-founders
MD in obstetrics and gynecology
Consultant of reproductive medicine
Clinical director of Ryada fertility Center
Consultant of Ob/gyn in Damanhor national medical institute
Dr. Ahmed Mashaly CO-founders
Consultant of Obstetric and Gynecology Damanhor national medical institute
Consultant of reproductive medicine
Clinical director of Dar Elomoma Fertility center.
Prof . Mohamed El SamadesyCO-founders
MD, FRCOG Professor and Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology faculty of Medicine Assiut University ,Fellow of RCOG,Ex. Head of Department and Genral manager of Women Health Hospital Faculty of Medicine Assiut University
Prof. Tarek K. Al-HussainiCO-founders
Graduated from Cairo University 1975. His experience was obtained mainly from Egypt, UK and USA. He has established one of the early IVF centers in the Middle East and participated in treating thousnads of couples as well as training a very good number of junior collaegues.
Dr. Mohammed FarisCO-founders
MBB ch. 1985
MRCOG (London) 1996
FRCS. Gynaecological surgery (Edinburgh)Scotland 1996
Work experience in U K for 5 years
Back to Egypt 2001 worked in IVF at Ganin fertility center as consultant for 10 years
Constructed AlNADA fertility center since2012
Consultant & clinical director till now
Since 2001