Prof. Hassan Maghraby
Letter from the Honorary President
To all respected colleagues working in the field of reproductive medicine, it’s our great honor to announce the establishment of the Egyptian Foundation for Reproductive Medicine and Embryology (EFRE).
Its my greatest pleasure and utmost honor to welcome each and everyone of you on this journey which we are about to embark upon.
We will remain committed to being a leading influence in our field’s continuous development and success through this …
Prof. Eman Elgindy
Elected to be Chairman for the EFRE Board of Trustees October -2023 till October -2027.
Consultant in reproductive medicine, professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Zagazig University, and Clinical Director of Rahem fertility centers, Egypt. Dr Elgindy is the director of the Egypt IVF registry and ICMART regional representative for Africa 2022-2025. She was the Secretary General of EFRE (Egyptian Foundation of Reproductive Medicine and Embryology) from 2019 till October -2023, EFRE conference President 2024, and has been elected to be Chairman of the EFRE Board of Trustees from October -2023 to October -2027.
Prof. Momen Kamel
EFRE Executive President
2024 -2025.
Professor of Ob- Gyn. Assiut University
, Assiut ,Egypt
Director of Assiut center of IVF and ICSI , member of the board of DIRMAS with Birmingham Hospital , member of the board of advanced professional Embryology , Certification program (APEC)
To be a nationally and internationally acknowledged foundation dedicated to promoting excellence in the practice of and innovative research in reproductive medicine.
The EFRE is a multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the maintenance, development, and the advancement of the science, education, practice and ethics in the field of reproductive medicine and Embryology.

News & Publications
EFRE synopses on academic writing
Dr Mohamed Fawzy
On this propitious day, I, the Editor of EFRE Synopses on Academic Writing, do hereby inaugurate the launch of this esteemed forum. Within its sanctified precincts, readers may convene to explore the intricacies of the art and craft of academic writing. Whether it be the rudiments of constructing a well-ordered argument or the minutiae of composing in an eloquent and scholarly idiom, we shall embrace it all.
I extend a most hospitable welcome to you, cherished readers, on this momentous occasion. Enlist with us here, where the written word is transfigured into a thing of exquisite beauty and wonder. Our mission is to equip you with the requisite tools and knowledge to excel in your academic pursuits, and to kindle within you the spark of creativity that befits an academic writer and thinker.
As we venture through the intricate pathways of scholarly discourse, we shall absorb knowledge from each other and exchange our own learning. The pursuit of knowledge is a collaborative and rewarding endeavor, and I urge you to engage with us in the spirit of intellectual inquisitiveness and exploration. We shall extend an invitation to esteemed colleagues from a multitude of academic disciplines to provide their expertise and insights in the form of synopses.
So let us launch upon this journey together, dear readers, where the quest for knowledge and the art of communication serendipitously conjoin. Let us elevate academic writing to a thing of resplendent beauty and wonder, and let us inspire colleagues with the potency of the written word.
Yours in the pursuit of academic excellence,
The Editor of EFRE Synopses on Academic Writing
Dr Mohamed Fawzy